Our Services
How we work

The first step to a healthy life at SpirEat… Understanding the DNA of one’s life as a whole…the past & existing health issues, sensitivity, risks, deficiencies, metabolism, the good/bad practices followed in the past enabling to arrive at a consolidated & tailor-made diet plan for an individual.

In a world full of new trends, whether its clothing or dietary, We believe in Healthy Eating considering your blood chemistry, body composition (weight, height, fat %, muscle %, resting metabolism, metabolic age, etc.), Physical manifestations and a detailed 24-hour recall.

Any diet should be Wholesome & we take care of your Macro & Micro Nutrients whose deficiencies are the root cause of any health condition or weak sports performance. Hence, A detailed analysis report of all the nutrients is shared with you based on individual goals.

Lotus symbolises purity of mind, body & soul, irrespective of being rooted in the mud… At SpirEat we believe, No matter however your diet & exercise life has been till now, one can always bloom as peaceful & pure as the lotus.

All the essentials, from the right nutritional plan, fitness & training program to the travel & competition guidelines, gene testing, follow-up & monitoring, SpirEat encapsulates it all together, separately for each individual.

Sports Nutrition
A Customised Diet to Fuel Your Performance & Fitness.
The food we eat impacts our strength, training, performance, and recovery. Not only is the type of food important for sports nutrition but the times we eat throughout the day also have an impact on our performance levels and our body’s ability to recover after exercising. Knowing about dietary supplements for performance is of equal importance.
Weight Management
A Diet Plan for Weight Loss & Gain
Weight management is the process of adopting long-term lifestyle modification to maintain a healthy body weight & for fat loss. The Science behind lies in analysing body fat % and factors that contribute like diet, calories, physical activity, genetics, environmental factors, medications, and illnesses and ways to work on it through right nutrition.

Clinical Nutrition
Clinical nutrition refers to the management of individuals with health disorders like obesity, diabetes, heart disease, thyroid, uric acid, PCOD, hypertension, arthritis etc. It aims to keep a healthy calorie balance in individuals for the clinical condition, as well as providing sufficient amount of nutrients.
Rehab Nutrition
Optimal nutrition can play a key role in controlling injury inflammation, providing key nutrients for rebuilding injured tissue, minimising muscle fatigue and supporting strength preservation and gain. This helps integrate nutrition into your rehabilitation program. It also helps in controlling excess weight gain during the recovery period.

The growing research in nutrigenomics is also a core part in sports medicine. It is the foundational building block by which we can help athletes reach their genetic potential through implementation of dietary and supplement strategies. Absorption, utilisation and excretion of nutrients are genetically different from person to person which ultimately affects a number of metabolic pathways.
Ultraendurance Nutrition
Ultra Nutrition Needs for Ultra Athlete
Athletes competing for ultra-endurance sports like Ironman, RAAM (Race Across America), Ultra Cycling, Ultramarathon, RAW (Race Across West), RAA (Race Across Austria), The English Channel and so on have higher nutritional requirements, especially with regard to energy and fluid balance. We aim for optimal pre-race nutritional strategies to increase fat utilisation during exercise. We also ensure to maintain carbohydrate, fat-rich foods, fluid & electrolyte balance during the race. 6 months pre-event, a detailed nutrition strategy is designed till the event, considering the duration & requirements of the sport.